Thanks to the antibodies passed on by the mother during pregnancy, babies' bodies are prepared for the bacterial environment around them when they are born. However, their immune systems are not yet fully developed. Infants are fragile, and their skin barrier is particularly permeable. An infant's immunity is built up gradually during the first three months of their life. This is why we have to be very vigilant. Of course, it is good for children to be exposed to viruses and bacteria so the body can learn to deal with them properly. This will happen naturally when playing and moving around. On the other hand, overexposure or a deficient immune system can cause severe infections.
It is essential to learn or rediscover some simple and natural hygiene practices to protect babies and children. Preventative hygiene methods are preferred. As the saying goes, "prevention is better than cure". This will also help to avoid the need for medical treatment.
Baby bottles and dummies: beware of the danger

Take preventative action
With infants or small children, taking a change of clothes and nappies for them has become second nature. This should also be the case for dummies and baby bottles when they cannot be cleaned properly. Good cleaning consists of washing baby accessories systematically after each use, under hot water, using a specific brush and soap, and then leaving them to dry in the open air on a suitable stand, in a clean place. Once a day, baby's bottles and dummies should be sterilised with boiling water or steam to rid them of bacteria, viruses and fungi and thus protect children's health.
Steam: a simple and effective solution

The steam is pressurised and superheated up to 153°C. It is continuously propelled at a speed of up to 104 km/h. This power guarantees fast and total disinfection of baby bottles as well as dummies and all other small objects that babies put in their mouths. It reaches all corners of the object, even ones that are more difficult to reach. Steam is an effective and natural solution that avoids chemicals, which are known to be harmful to health in the long term. It is a simple hygiene measure that can be carried out at any time to protect babies and children.